Detailed Measurement | Description* | Instruments | Timeline |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient (DAC) | Former name: “Water clarity”. Parameter extracted from ocean colour observation. Indicative of water turbidity and vertical processes in the ocean. Requested in both open ocean and coastal zone - Physical unit: [ m-1 ] - Accuracy unit: [m-1 ]. | 4 instruments |  |
Downward long-wave irradiance at Earth surface Link:   | Flux density of radiation emitted by the gases, aerosols and clouds of the atmosphere to the Earth's surface - Physical unit [ W/m2 ], Accuracy unit [ W/m2 ] | 11 instruments |  |
Downward short-wave irradiance at Earth surface Link:   | Flux density of the solar radiation at the Earth surface - Physical unit [ W/m2 ], Accuracy unit [ W/m2 ] | 8 instruments |  |
Downwelling (Incoming) solar radiation at TOA Link:   | Flux density of the solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere - Physical unit [ W/m2 ], Accuracy unit [ W/m2 ] | 14 instruments |  |
Long-wave cloud emissivity | Fraction of emitted radiation in respect of a black-body at the same temperature as the cloud top. Varies with wave-length. [Unit of measurement -dimensionless] | 0 instruments |  |
Long-wave Earth surface emissivity | Emissivity of the Earth’s surface in the thermal IR, function of the wavelength - Physical unit: [ % ] - Accuracy unit: [ % ]. | 16 instruments |  |
Short-wave cloud reflectance | Reflectance of the solar radiation from clouds - Physical unit: [ % ] - Accuracy unit: [ % ]. | 2 instruments |  |
Short-wave Earth surface bi-directional reflectance | Reflectance of the Earth’s surface function of the viewing angle and the illumination conditions in the range 0.4-0.7 µm (or other specific short-wave ranges) - Physical unit: [ % ] - Accuracy unit: [ % ]. | 18 instruments |  |
Solar Spectral Irradiance Link:   | Wavelength-dependent energy input to the top of the Earth's atmosphere, at a standard distance of one Astronomical Unit from the Sun - Physical unit: [ W m-2 nm-1] | 2 instruments |  |
Upward long-wave irradiance at TOA Link:   | Flux of the terrestrial radiation in the range 4-200 µm (thermal emission) moving to space through the top of the atmosphere - Physical unit [ W/m2 ], Accuracy unit [ W/m2 ] | 18 instruments |  |
Upward short-wave irradiance at TOA Link:   | Flux of the terrestrial radiation in the range 0.2-4 µm (reflected solar radiation) moving to space through the top of the atmosphere - Physical unit [ W/m2 ], Accuracy unit [ W/m2 ] | 11 instruments |  |
Upwelling (Outgoing) long-wave radiation at Earth surface | Flux of thermal radiation from the Earth’s surface - Physical unit: [ W/m2 ] - Accuracy unit: [ W/m2 ]. | 8 instruments |  |
Upwelling (Outgoing) Short-wave Radiation at the Earth Surface | Flux of short-wave radiation from the Earth’s surface - Physical unit: [ W/m2 ] - Accuracy unit: [ W/m2 ]. | 5 instruments |  |
Upwelling (Outgoing) spectral radiance at TOA | Level-1 product. Spectral range 0.2-200 mm. Resolving power l/∆l = 1000. Accuracy quoted as SNR (Signal-to-Noise-Ratio), actually SNR-1 so that smaller figure means better performance, as usual. WMO and IOCCG quote accuracy in [ % ] | 6 instruments |  |