Instrument | Status/ Accuracy | Instrument Description | Measurement Technology | Timeline |
AMI Advanced Meteorological Imager | Operational
| Continuous monitoring capability for the near real-time generation of high-resolution meteorological products and long-term change analysis of land/sea surface temperature and cloud coverage. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |
AVHRR/3 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer/3 | Operational
| Measurements of land and sea surface temperature, cloud cover, snow and ice cover, soil moisture and vegetation indices. Data also used for volcanic eruption monitoring. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |
CERES Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System | Operational
| Long term measurement of the Earth's radiation budget and atmospheric radiation from the top of the atmosphere to the surface; provision of an accurate and self-consistent cloud and radiation database. | n/a | |
ERM-1 Earth Radiation Measurement | Operational
| Measures Earth radiation gains and losses on regional, zonal and global scales. | n/a | |
ERM-2 Improved Earth Radiation Measurement | Operational
| Measures Earth radiation gains and losses on regional, zonal and global scales. | n/a | |
GERB Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget | Operational
| Measures long and short wave radiation emitted and reflected from the Earth's surface, clouds and top of atmosphere. Full Earth disk, all channels in 5 minutes. | n/a | |
GOME-2 Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment - 2 | Operational
| Measurement of total column amounts and stratospheric and tropospheric profiles of ozone. Also amounts of H20, NO2, OClO, BrO, SO2 and HCHO. | n/a | |
HIRS/4 High Resolution Infra-red Sounder/4 | Operational
| Atmospheric temperature profiles and data on cloud parameters, humidity soundings, water vapour, total ozone content, and surface temperatures. Same as HIRS/3, with 10 km IFOV. | n/a | |
Imager Imager | Operational
| Measures cloud cover, atmospheric radiance, winds, atmospheric stability, rainfall estimates. Used to provide severe storm warnings/ monitoring day and night (type, amount, storm features). | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |
IRAS InfraRed Atmospheric Sounder | Operational
| Atmospheric sounding for weather forecasting. | n/a | |
MSU-MR Low-resolution multispectral scanning imager-radiometer | Operational
| Parameters of clouds, snow, ice and land cover, vegetation, surface temperature, fire detection. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |
SBUV/2 Solar Backscattter Ultra-Violet Instrument/2 | Operational
| Data on trace gases including vertical profile ozone, and solar irradiance and total ozone concentration measurements. | n/a | |
SIM-2 Solar Irradiation Monitor-2 | Operational
| Solar irradiance monitoring. | n/a | |
CWFMS Canadian Wildland Fire Monitoring Sensor | Being developed
| Measurements are: Fire Radiative Power (FRP), hotspot locations, rate of spread, burned area mapping. Data products generated: 1) Fire maps, showing location, extent, and timing of forest fire events; 2) Fire characteristics, such as fire line intensity, rate of spread and fuel consumption; 3) Plume dynamics through smoke transport maps and plume heights; 4) Mass of carbon released into atmosphere. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |
GEOXO Sounder GEO Extended Operations Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder | Being developed
| | n/a | |
TIRS (PREFIRE) Thermal Infrared Spectrometer | Being developed
| Pushbroom spectroradiometric imagers in highly inclined orbits to provide spectral fluxes, column-water vapor, surface emissivity and broadband radiances over majority of thermal wavelengths. | n/a | |
BBR (EarthCARE) BroadBand Radiometer (EarthCARE) | Approved
| Top of the atmosphere radiances and radiative flux. | n/a | |
Advanced MSU-MR Advanced Multispectral scanning imager-radiometer | Proposed
| Parameters of clouds, snow, ice and land cover, vegetation, surface temperature, fire detection. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer | |