ASTER Instrument

Measurements and Applications

Surface and cloud imaging with high spatial resolution, stereoscopic observation of local topography, cloud heights, volcanic plumes, and generation of local surface digital elevation maps. Surface temperature and emissivity. ASTER SWIR detectors are no longer functioning due to anomalously high SWIR detector temperatures. ASTER SWIR data acquired since April 2008 are not useable, and show saturation of values and severe striping. All attempts to bring the SWIR bands back to life have failed, and no further action is envisioned.

Instrument Summary

Full Name
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
Instrument Agencies
Instrument Type
High resolution optical imagers
Instrument Technology
High resolution optical imager
Data Access
Open Access
Data Format
HDF-EOS or GeoTiff

Performance Summary

VNIR: 15 m, stereo: 15 m horizontally and 25 m vertical, SWIR: 30 m, TIR: 90 m
[Best Resolution: 15m]
60 km
[Max Swath: 60 km]
VNIR and SWIR: 4% (absolute), TIR: 4 K, Geolocation: 7 m
VIS and NIR: 3 bands in 0.52 - 0.86 µm, SWIR: 6 bands in 1.6 - 2.43 µm, TIR: 5 bands in 8.125 - 11.65 µm
VIS (~0.40 µm - ~0.75 µm)
NIR (~0.75 µm - ~1.3 µm)
SWIR (~1.3 µm - ~3.0 µm)
TIR (~6.0 µm - ~15.0 µm)

Instrument Missions

Terra - Terra (formerly EOS AM-1) (1999 - 2027)

Instrument Measurements