Instrument | Status/ Accuracy | Instrument Description | Measurement Technology | Timeline |
AHI Advanced Himawari Imager | Operational
| Measures cloud cover, cloud motion, cloud height, cloud properties, water vapour, rainfalll, sea surface temperatures and Earth radiation, dust, aerosols, volcanic ash, fires, snow and ice cover. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
AIRS Atmospheric Infra-red Sounder | Operational
| High spectral resolution measurement of temperature and humidity profiles in the atmosphere. Long-wave Earth surface emissivity. Cloud diagnostics. Trace gas profiles. Surface temperatures. | n/a |  |
AMI Advanced Meteorological Imager | Operational
| Continuous monitoring capability for the near real-time generation of high-resolution meteorological products and long-term change analysis of land/sea surface temperature and cloud coverage. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
AMSR2 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 | Operational +/-8 % | Measurements of water vapour, cloud liquid water, precipitation, winds, sea surface temperature, sea ice concentration, snow cover, soil moisture. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |
AMSU-A Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A | Operational
| All-weather night-day temperature sounding to an altitude of 45 km. | n/a |  |
AMSU-A Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A | Operational
| All-weather night-day temperature sounding to an altitude of 45 km. AMSU-A on Aqua is still partially operational, with 9 of the 15 channels working and collecting data. | n/a |  |
ASCAT Advanced Scatterometer | Operational
| Measures wind speed and direction over ocean, soil moisture, sea ice cover, sea ice type, snow cover and snow parameters and vegetation parameters | n/a |  |
ASTER Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer | Operational
| Surface and cloud imaging with high spatial resolution, stereoscopic observation of local topography, cloud heights, volcanic plumes, and generation of local surface digital elevation maps. Surface temperature and emissivity. ASTER SWIR detectors are no longer functioning due to anomalously high SWIR detector temperatures. ASTER SWIR data acquired since April 2008 are not useable, and show saturation of values and severe striping. All attempts to bring the SWIR bands back to life have failed, and no further action is envisioned. | High resolution optical imager |  |
ATMS Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder | Operational
| Collects microwave radiance data that when combined with the CrIS data will permit calculation of atmospheric temperature and water vapour profiles. | n/a |  |
AVHRR/3 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer/3 | Operational
| Measurements of land and sea surface temperature, cloud cover, snow and ice cover, soil moisture and vegetation indices. Data also used for volcanic eruption monitoring. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
BRLK S-range S-band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Operational
| Disaster monitoring, sea surface monitoring, information support of environmental managment | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
C-Band SAR C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Operational
| Marine core services, land monitoring and emergency services. Monitoring sea ice zones and arctic environment. Surveillance of marine environment, monitoring land surface motion risks, mapping of land surfaces (forest, water and soil, agriculture), mapping in support of humanitarian aid in crisis situations. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
CSG SAR COSMO-SkyMed di Seconda Generazione SAR | Operational
| All-weather images of ocean, land and ice for monitoring of land surface processes, ice, environmental monitoring, risk management, environmental resources, maritime management, Earth topographic mapping. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
CZI Coastal Zone Imager | Operational
| Imagery of coastal regions - estuaries, tidal regions, etc. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
FCI Flexible Combined Imager | Operational
| Measurements of cloud cover, cloud top height, precipitation, cloud motion, vegetation, radiation fluxes, convection, air mass analysis, cirrus cloud discrimination, tropopause monitoring, stability monitoring, total ozone and sea surface temperature. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
Geoton-L1 (2) Geoton-L1 | Operational
| Multispectral images of land surfaces and Oceans. | High resolution optical imager |  |
HSI-2 (HJ-2A) Hyper Spectrum Imager 2 | Operational
| Hyperspectral measurements for environment and disaster management operations. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
KMSS Multispectral Imager (VIS) system | Operational
| Multispectral images of land & sea surfaces and ice cover. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
MBEI Multi-Band Earth Imager | Operational
| Multispectral scanner images of land surface. | High resolution optical imager |  |
MODIS MODerate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer | Operational
| Data on biological and physical processes on the surface of the Earth and in the lower atmosphere, and on global dynamics. Surface temperatures of land and ocean, chlorophyll fluorescence, land cover measurements, cloud cover (day and night). | n/a |  |
MSU-IK-SR Multi-channel medium and far IR range radiometer | Operational
| Parameters of clouds, snow, ice and land cover, vegetation, surface temperature, fire detection. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
MSU-MR Low-resolution multispectral scanning imager-radiometer | Operational
| Parameters of clouds, snow, ice and land cover, vegetation, surface temperature, fire detection. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
MTVZA-GY Scanning microwave imager-sounder | Operational
| Atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, precipitation, sea-level wind speed, snow/ice coverage. | n/a |  |
MWRI Micro-Wave Radiation Imager | Operational
| All weather observations of precipitation, cloud features, vegetation, soil moisture sea ice, etc. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |
MWRI Microwave Radiometer Imager | Operational
| Ocean wind and temperature measurements. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |
OLI Operational Land Imager | Operational
| Measures surface radiance, land cover state, and change (e.g., vegetation type). Used as multi-purpose imagery for land applications. | High resolution optical imager |  |
OLI-2 Operational Land Imager 2 | Operational
| Measures surface radiance, land cover state, and change (e.g., vegetation type). Used as multi-purpose imagery for land applications. | High resolution optical imager |  |
PALSAR-2 Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 | Operational
| Disaster monitoring, land monitoring, agricultural monitoring, natural resource exploration, global forest monitoring, potential use and interferometry. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
PSS Panchromatic imaging system | Operational
| Panchromatic data for environmental monitoring, agriculture and forestry. | High resolution optical imager |  |
SAR (RADARSAT-2) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) C band | Operational
| All-weather images of ocean, ice and land surfaces. Used for monitoring of coastal zones, polar ice, sea ice, sea state, geological features, vegetation and land surface processes. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SAR (RCM) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) C band | Operational
| All-weather, C-band data to support ecosystem monitoring, maritime surveillance and disaster management. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SAR (RISAT) Synthetic Aperature Radiometer (RISAT) | Operational
| Radar backscatter measurements of land, water and ocean surfaces for applications in soil moisture, crop applications (under cloud cover), terrain mapping, etc. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SAR 2000 Synthetic Aperture Radar - 2000 | Operational
| All-weather images of ocean, land and ice for monitoring of land surface processes, ice, environmental monitoring, risk management, environmental resources, maritime management, Earth topographic mapping. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SAR-L L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Operational
| Land, ocean, emergencies, soil moisture, interferometry, others. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
S-band SAR S-band SAR | Operational
| SAR imagery for a range of applications including agriculture, maritime and forestry | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
Severyanin-M Severyanin-M | Operational
| Land and sea surface monitoring | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SGLI Second-generation Global Imager | Operational +/-7 % | Medium resolution multi-spectral imaging of land, ocean and atmosphere. SGLI-VNR is an optical sensor capable of multi-channel nadir observation at wavelengths from near-UV to NIR and forward or backward polarization observation at red and near infrared wavelengths (Push-broom scanning). SGLI-IRS is an optical sensor capable of multi-channel nadir observation at wavelengths from SWIR to TIR wavelengths (Cross-track scanning). | n/a |  |
SGR-ReSI-CDHS Space GNSS Receiver - Remote Sensing Instrument, CoreDHS avionics | Operational
| Ocean winds, waves, soil moisture, flooding, ice, snow. Similar to SGR-ReSI-Z, but with a smaller Zynq, and only supports 2 RF channels, only allowing collection of single frequency and single polarisation. | n/a |  |
SRAL SAR Radar Altimeter | Operational
| Marine and land services. | n/a |  |
TIRS Thermal Infrared Sensor | Operational
| Measures longwave thermal infrared surface emittance, land cover state, and change. Used as multipurpose imagery for land applications. | n/a |  |
TIRS-2 Thermal Infrared Sensor 2 | Operational
| Measures longwave thermal infrared surface emittance, land cover state, and change. Used as multipurpose imagery for land applications. TIRS-2 will adhere to the Landsat 8 TIRS instrument performance specifications but will be built to NASA Class-B instrument standards (including a 5-year design life). | n/a |  |
WSAR WSAR | Operational
| High resolution radar measurements of land and ocean features. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
X-Band SAR X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Operational
| High resolution images for monitoring of land surface and coastal processes and for agricultural, geological and hydrological applications. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
AMSR3 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 3 | Being developed
| Measurements of water vapour, cloud liquid water, precipitation including snowfall, winds, sea surface temperature, sea ice concentration, snow cover, soil moisture. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |
Imaging Microwave Radiometer Imaging Microwave Radiometer | Being developed
| A conical scanning total power radiometer operating in 5 bands (L/C/X/K/Ka) to provide high-spatial resolution microwave imaging radiometry measurements and derived products with continuous global coverage and sub-daily revisit in the polar regions and adjacent seas. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |
IRIS Interferometric Radar Altimeter for Ice and Snow | Being developed
| Ku-band Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter (with added Ka-band channel for snow depth retrieval and in combination with AMR-CR MW Radiometer for ice&snow classification and wet troposphere correction) to cover the needs for continuous monitoring of sea ice
thickness and land ice elevation measurement after Cryosat-2, with enhanced performance. | n/a |  |
L-band SAR L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Being developed
| L-band SAR instrument offering full polarimetry, high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, low ambiguity ratios and capability for repeat-pass & single-pass cross-track interferometry to measure surface deformation of vegetated terrain, soil moisture, land cover classification, crop type discrimination and its temporal analysis. Furthermore, it will monitor Polar ice sheets and ice caps, and the sea-ice conditions (i.e. type, drift, deformation, concentration, lead fraction), as well as contribute to the European maritime situational awareness. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
METimage Multi Spectral Imager | Being developed
| Operational multi spectral imager for meteorological EPS-SG VIS/IR Imaging Mission (VII): imagery data for global and regional NWP, NWC, and climate monitoring with information on LST, SST, clouds coverage, height and micro-physics, land surfaces (vegetation, snow/ice, fire), water vapour column, aerosol and atmospheric motion vectors. Provides collocated cloud mask, height & characterisation as well as intra-pixel heterogeneity to other EPS-SG missions (with larger footprint). | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
MWS Microwave Sounder | Being developed
| All-weather night-day temperature sounding | n/a |  |
PALSAR-3 Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-3 | Being developed
| Disaster monitoring, land monitoring, agricultural monitoring, natural resource exploration, global forest monitoring, potential use and interferometry. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
SCA SCA | Being developed
| Measures wind speed and direction over ocean, soil moisture, sea ice cover, sea ice type, snow cover and snow parameters and vegetation parameters | n/a |  |
SGR-ReSI-Z Space GNSS Receiver - Remote Sensing Instrument (Zynq based) | Being developed +/-90 % | Ocean winds, waves, soil moisture, flooding, ice, snow | n/a |  |
GHMI Geostationary HiMawari Imager | Approved
| | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
Kasatka-R Kasatka-R | Approved
| Disaster monitoring, sea surface monitoring, information support of environmental managment | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
Advanced KMSS Advanced Multispectral Imager (VIS) | Proposed
| Multispectral images of land & sea surfaces and ice cover. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
Advanced MSU-MR Advanced Multispectral scanning imager-radiometer | Proposed
| Parameters of clouds, snow, ice and land cover, vegetation, surface temperature, fire detection. | Multi-purpose imaging Vis/IR radiometer |  |
Advanced SAR Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar X band | Proposed
| High resolution microwave radar images for ice watch. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
LandIS Landsat Next Instrument Suite | Proposed
| Measures surface radiance, land cover state and change (e.g., vegetation type), and longwave termal infrared surface emittance. Used as multi-purpose imagery for land applications. | High resolution optical imager |  |
L-Band SAR L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Proposed
| Global observation of dynamic processes in the bio-, cryo-, geo- and hydrosphere. | Imaging radar (SAR) |  |
MTVZA-GY-MP Advanced Scanning microwave imager-sounder | Proposed
| Atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, precipitation, sea-level wind speed, snow/ice coverage. | n/a |  |
AMSR-E Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS | No longer operational +/-10 % | Measurements of water vapour, cloud liquid water, precipitation, winds, sea surface temperature, sea ice concentration, snow cover and soil moisture. Instrument stopped functioning 4th October 2011. | Multi-purpose imaging MW radiometer |  |