Full Name Sub-millimetre Observation of Processes in the Absorption Noteworthy for Ozone Status No longer considered
Instrument Agencies ESA Maturity
Instrument Type Atmospheric chemistry Geometry
Instrument Technology Limb-scanning MW spectrometer Sampling Imaging
Data Access Data Format
Measurements and Applications Temperature profiles and trace gases in the upper troposphere to mesosphere including ClO, O3, HCl, NO, BrO as first priority, and HOCl, CH3Cl, H2O, N2O, HO2, HNO3 as second priority.
Resolution Summary Vertical: 2 km at lowest level, Limb viewing instrument
Swath Summary 10 - 50 km tangent height range
Accuracy Summary Band a: 2.5 K, Bands b and c: 12 K, Band d: 8 K at 3 MHz resolution, 0.3 secs integration time
Waveband Summary Sub-millimetre a) 499.4 - 505 GHz, b) 624.5 - 626.6 GHz and 628.2 - 628.7 GHz, c) 730.5 - 732 GHz, d) 851.3 - 852.8 GHz
MW (~0.1 cm - ~100 cm)
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
Atmospheric Humidity FieldsAtmospheric specific humidity (LS, HS&M)
Atmospheric Temperature FieldsAtmospheric temperature (LS, HS&M)
OzoneO3 Mole Fraction
Trace gases (excluding ozone)NO (LS, HS&M)
N2O (LS, HS&M)
HCl (LS, HS&M)
BrO (LS)
ClO (LS)
Thematic Links Global Climate Observing System Essential Climate Variables (GCOS ECVs)
ECVDescriptionProduct(s)ECV Inventory 3.0 Record(s)
Ozone click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Temperature (upper-air) click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Water Vapour (upper air) click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Instrument Missions