Full Name HydroGNSS-A and -B
aka Scout-2
Status Approved
Mission Agencies ESA, UKSA Launch Date Oct 2025
Mission Links mission site | EOL Date Dec 2031
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog #
International Designator
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 95.6 minutes
Orbit Sense Ascending Orbit Inclination 98.7 deg
Orbit Altitude 550 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST 10:30 Repeat Cycle 30 days
Objectives and Applications This Scout mission, HydroGNSS, will provide measurements of key hydrological climate variables, including soil moisture, freeze–thaw state over permafrost, inundation and wetlands, and above-ground biomass, using a technique called Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) reflectometry. In doing so it will complement missions such as ESA’s SMOS and Biomass, Copernicus Sentinel-1 and NASA’s SMAP. Knowledge of these variables helps scientists understand climate change and contributes towards weather modelling, ecology mapping, agricultural planning and flood preparedness.
Mission Measurements
LandSoil moisture SGR-ReSI-Z
Vegetation SGR-ReSI-Z
OceanOcean surface winds SGR-ReSI-Z
Ocean wave height and spectrum SGR-ReSI-Z
Snow & IceSea ice cover, edge and thickness SGR-ReSI-Z
Mission Instruments
SGR-ReSI-Z - Space GNSS Receiver - Remote Sensing Instrument (Zynq based)
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