- Meteosat-3
Full Name
Mission complete
Mission Agencies
Launch Date
15 Jun 1988
Mission Links
mission site
EOL Date
01 Aug 1991
EO Portal Info
NORAD Catalog #
43333 (TLE)
International Designator
Orbit Type
Orbit Period
Orbit Sense
Orbit Inclination
Orbit Altitude
36000 km
Orbit Longitude
0 deg
Orbit LST
Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications
Meteorology, climatology.
Mission Measurements
Mission Instruments
OpenSearch Datasets
Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 10 ) First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) Centre M ... ![The First ISCCP Regional Experiments have been designed to improve data products and cloud/radiation parameterizations used in general circulation models (GCMs). Specifically, the goals of FIRE are (1) to improve basic understanding of the interaction of physical processes in determining life cycles of cirrus and marine stratocumulus systems and the radiative properties of these clouds during their life cycles and (2) to investigate the interrelationships between the ISCCP data, GCM parameterizations, and higher space and time resolution clouddata.To-date, four intensive field-observation periods were planned and executed: a cirrus IFO (October 13 - November 2, 1986); a marine stratocumulus IFO off the southwestern coast of California (June 29 - July 20, 1987); a second cirrus IFO in southeastern Kansas (November 13 - December 7, 1991); and a second marine stratocumulus IFO in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (June 1 - June 28, 1992). Each mission combined coordinated satellite, airborne, and surface observations with modeling studies to investigate the cloud properties and physical processes of the cloud systems.These files are calculations of the daily solar irradiance at the surface, based on observations by the METEOSAT. The file naming convention is: esqDDMMYYx.fis where DDMMYY is the dateThese files are: I2 pixels, 376 pixels/row, 326 rows. Each pixel has a spatial resolution of 0.04 degrees.The header of each file claims there are two channels, although the provided documentation states that there is only one channel per file.The units are: flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]](/Images/offsite_link.png) First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) Centre M ... ![The First ISCCP Regional Experiments have been designed to improve data products and cloud/radiation parameterizations used in general circulation models (GCMs). Specifically, the goals of FIRE are (1) to improve basic understanding of the interaction of physical processes in determining life cycles of cirrus and marine stratocumulus systems and the radiative properties of these clouds during their life cycles and (2) to investigate the interrelationships between the ISCCP data, GCM parameterizations, and higher space and time resolution cloud data.To-date, four intensive field-observation periods were planned and executed: a cirrus IFO (October 13 - November 2, 1986); a marine stratocumulus IFO off the southwestern coast of California (June 29 - July 20, 1987); a second cirrus IFO in southeastern Kansas (November 13 - December 7, 1991); and a second marine stratocumulus IFO in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (June 1 - June 28, 1992). Each mission combined coordinated satellite, airborne, and surface observations with modeling studies to investigate the cloud properties and physical processes of the cloud systems.These files are calculations of the hourly solar irradiance at the surface, based on observations by the METEOSAT. The file naming convention is: esDDMMYYsxx.fiswhere DDMMYY is the date and xx = slot numberMean time (UT) is obtained from the slot number overthe ASTEX region by the formula: UT = (xx/2) - 0.17These files are: I2 pixels, 376 pixels/row, 326 rows. Each pixel has a spatial resolution of 0.04 degrees.The header of each file claims there are two channels, although the provided documentation states that there is only one channel per file.The units are: flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]](/Images/offsite_link.png) First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) Centre M ...  First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) Centre M ... ![The First ISCCP Regional Experiments have been designed to improve data products and cloud/radiation parameterizations used in general circulation models (GCMs). Specifically, the goals of FIRE are (1) to improve basic understanding of the interaction of physical processes in determining life cycles of cirrus and marine stratocumulus systems and the radiative properties of these clouds during their life cycles and (2) to investigate the interrelationships between the ISCCP data, GCM parameterizations, and higher space and time resolution cloud data.To-date, four intensive field-observation periods were planned and executed: a cirrus IFO (October 13 - November 2, 1986); a marine stratocumulus IFO off the southwestern coast of California (June 29 - July 20, 1987); a second cirrus IFO in southeastern Kansas (November 13 - December 7, 1991); and a second marine stratocumulus IFO in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (June 1 - June 28, 1992). Each mission combined coordinated satellite, airborne, and surface observations with modeling studies to investigate the cloud properties and physical processes of the cloud systems.These files are calculations of the monthly solar irradiance at the surface, based on observations by the METEOSAT. The file naming convention is: esmxx.fis where xx is the month number of 1992.These files are: I2 pixels, 376 pixels/row, 326 rows. Each pixel has a spatial resolution of 0.04 degrees.The header of each file claims there are two channels, although the provided documentation states that there is only one channel per file.The units are: flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]](/Images/offsite_link.png) First ISCCP Regional Experiment (FIRE) Atlantic Stratocumulus Transition Experiment (ASTEX) Centre M ... ![The First ISCCP Regional Experiments have been designed to improve data products and cloud/radiation parameterizations used in general circulation models (GCMs). Specifically, the goals of FIRE are (1) to improve basic understanding of the interaction of physical processes in determining life cycles of cirrus and marine stratocumulus systems and the radiative properties of these clouds during their life cycles and (2) to investigate the interrelationships between the ISCCP data, GCM parameterizations, and higher space and time resolution cloud data.To-date, four intensive field-observation periods were planned and executed: a cirrus IFO (October 13 - November 2, 1986); a marine stratocumulus IFO off the southwestern coast of California (June 29 - July 20, 1987); a second cirrus IFO in southeastern Kansas (November 13 - December 7, 1991); and a second marine stratocumulus IFO in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean (June 1 - June 28, 1992). Each mission combined coordinated satellite, airborne, and surface observations with modeling studies to investigate the cloud properties and physical processes of the cloud systems.These files are calculations of the monthly solar irradiance at the surface, based on observations by the METEOSAT. The file naming convention is: esmxx.fis where xx is the month number of 1992.These files are: I2 pixels, 376 pixels/row, 326 rows. Each pixel has a spatial resolution of 0.04 degrees.The header of each file claims there are two channels, although the provided documentation states that there is only one channel per file.The units are: flux [tenths of Joule/cm^2]](/Images/offsite_link.png) Global radiation at the Earth-surface derived from METEOSAT-data (DWD-Archive) from 1994 on.  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage B3 Reduced Radiances in Native Forma ...  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage D1 3-Hourly Cloud Products - Revised ...  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage D2 Monthly Cloud Products - Revised ...  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage DX Pixel Level Cloud Product - Revis ... 
Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 41 results: browser , table ) FTH Edition 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional cl...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Land data assimilation Climate monitoring: GCOS ECV Climate monitoring of land...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional climate modelling...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs Government agencies GERB science team  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: NMHS: Automation, extension, homogenization and quality check of cloud observa...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: NMHS: Automation, extension, homogenization and quality check of cloud observa...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: NMHS: Automation, extension, homogenization and quality check of cloud observa...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Snow cover and hydroclimate studies Snow-atmosphere studies Snow-sea ice studi...  FTH Edition 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional cl...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Same applications as before but with longer time series: Boundary Condition Fo... 
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