- Meteosat-9
Full Name
Meteosat Second Generation-2 aka MSG-2
Operational (nominal)
Mission Agencies
Launch Date
22 Dec 2005
Mission Links
mission site | data access portal
EOL Date
Apr 2027
EO Portal Info
NORAD Catalog #
28912 (TLE)
International Designator
Orbit Type
Orbit Period
1436 minutes
Orbit Sense
Orbit Inclination
6.9 deg
Orbit Altitude
35779 km
Orbit Longitude
45.5 deg
Orbit LST
Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications
Meteorology, climatology, atmospheric dynamics/water and energy cycles. Meteosat 1-7 are first generation. Meteosat 8-11 are second generation and known as MSG in the development phase.
Mission Measurements
Mission Instruments
OpenSearch Datasets
Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 17 ) CERES GEO Cloud Retrievals in ISCCP-D2like Format Daytime Edition3A  CERES MODIS and GEO Cloud Retrievals in ISCCP-D2like Format Daytime Edition3A  Climatology for NOAA Coral Reef Watch (CRW) Daily Global 5km Satellite Coral Bleaching Heat Stress M ...  Ensemble Median Global sea surface temperature dataset from 1988-01-01 to 2019-02-28 (NCEI Accession ...  GHRSST Level 4 K10_SST Global 10 km Analyzed Sea Surface Temperature from Naval Oceanographic Office ...  GHRSST Level 4 OSTIA Global Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis (GDS version 2)  GHRSST Level 4 OSTIA Global Historical Reprocessed Foundation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis produ ...  INFRARED GLOBAL GEOSTATIONARY COMPOSITE V1  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage B3 Reduced Radiances in Native Forma ...  International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) Stage D1 3-Hourly Cloud Products - Revised ... 
Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 126 results: browser , table ) CLAAS-2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional c...  FTH Edition 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional cl...  TOA GERB 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research NMHSs WCRP GERB science team  CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Climate research, NMHSs, government agencies WCRP ACPC initiative, FP...  MSG Aerosol Properties SMAOL L2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS:  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Land data assimilation Climate monitoring: GCOS ECV Climate monitoring of land...  CLAAS-2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional c...  CLAAS 1. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes at temporal...  CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: SNU, DWD for COSMO-CLM evaluation, climate service, regional climate modelling...  CLAAS-2. CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Study of small, regional, and large scale cloud processes regional c... 
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