Full Name Environmental Satellite Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies ESA Launch Date 01 Mar 2002
Mission Links mission site | data access portal EOL Date 08 Apr 2012
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 27386 (TLE)
International Designator 2002-009A
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 100.5 minutes
Orbit Sense Descending Orbit Inclination 98.52 deg
Orbit Altitude 782 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST 10:30 Repeat Cycle 35 days
Objectives and Applications Physical oceanography, land surface, ice and snow, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric dynamics/water and energy cycles.
Mission Measurements
Atmospheric Humidity Fields GOMOS, MIPAS, MWR, RA-2
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperature AATSR, MERIS, SCIAMACHY
Cloud particle properties and profile MERIS
Radiation budget AATSR, MERIS, SCIAMACHY
Trace gases (excluding ozone) GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY
Atmospheric Temperature Fields GOMOS, MIPAS
Gravity and Magnetic FieldsGravity, Magnetic and Geodynamic measurements DORIS-NG, RA-2
LandAlbedo and reflectance AATSR, MERIS
Landscape topography ASAR, ASAR (image mode), RA-2
Soil moisture ASAR, ASAR (image mode)
Vegetation AATSR, ASAR, ASAR (image mode), MERIS
Surface temperature (land) AATSR
Multi-purpose imagery (land) AATSR, ASAR, ASAR (image mode), MERIS
OceanOcean colour/biology MERIS
Ocean topography/currents ASAR, ASAR (image mode), ASAR (wave mode), DORIS-NG, RA-2
Ocean surface winds ASAR, ASAR (image mode), ASAR (wave mode), RA-2
Surface temperature (ocean) AATSR
Ocean wave height and spectrum ASAR, ASAR (image mode), ASAR (wave mode), RA-2
Multi-purpose imagery (ocean) AATSR, ASAR, ASAR (image mode), MERIS
Snow & IceIce sheet topography ASAR, RA-2
Snow cover, edge and depth ASAR, ASAR (image mode), MERIS
Sea ice cover, edge and thickness AATSR, ASAR, ASAR (image mode), MERIS, RA-2
Mission Instruments
AATSR - Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer
ASAR - Advanced Synthetic-Aperture Radar
ASAR (image mode) - Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (Image mode)
ASAR (wave mode) - Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (Wave mode)
DORIS-NG - Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite-New Generation
ENVISAT Comms - Communications package on ENVISAT
GOMOS - Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars
MERIS - Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer
MIPAS - Michelson Interferometric Passive Atmosphere Sounder
MWR - Microwave Radiometer
RA-2 - Radar Altimeter - 2
SCIAMACHY - Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography
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Envisat DC

Envisat was ESA's successor to ERS. Launched on 1 March 2002 on an Ariane-5 rocket from Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana, Envisat was the largest Earth observation spacecraft ever built with 10 instruments aboard and at eight tonnes was the largest civilian Earth observation mission ever launched. More advanced imaging radar, radar altimeter and temperature-measuring radiometer instruments extended ERS data sets. This was supplemented by new instruments including a medium-resolution spectrometer sensitive to both land features and ocean colour. Envisat also carried two atmospheric sensors monitoring trace gases. Read more

OpenSearch Datasets Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 248 )
ADT - Absolute Dynamic Topography
Atmospheric Thematic Data Product [MWR_TDPATM]
Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution
Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution (GDS version 2)
Black Sea High Resolution SST L4 Analysis 0.0625 deg Resolution for 2019-09-18 (NCEI Accession 02135 ...
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CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 3 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 5 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)

Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 200 results: browser , table )
Envisat ASAR AP Single-Look Complex L1 [ASA_APS_1P]
Envisat RA-2 Geophysical Data Record - GDR [RA2_GDR__2P]
Fundamental Data Records for Altimetry [ALT_FDR___]
Envisat ASAR IM Single Look Complex L1 [ASA_IMS_1P]
Envisat ASAR Wave Cross Spectra Imagette L1 [ASA_WVS_1P]
Envisat ASAR WS L0 [ASA_WS__0P]
Envisat MERIS Reduced Resolution Geophysical Product - Level 2 [MER_RR__2P]
Ocean and Coastal Topography Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_OC]
Envisat ASAR IM Medium Resolution L1 [ASA_IMM_1P]
Land Ice Thematic Data Product [ALT_TDP_LI]

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