Full Name Thermal and Multispectral Scanner Status Operational
Instrument Agencies CAST, INPE Maturity Medium Heritage
Instrument Type Imaging multi-spectral radiometers (vis/IR) Geometry Cross-track scanning
Instrument Technology High-resolution nadir-scanning IR spectrometer Sampling Imaging
Data Access Open Access Data Format
Measurements and Applications Earth resources, environmental monitoring, land use.
Resolution Summary PAN, SWIR: 40 m, TIR: 80 m
[Best Resolution: 40m]
Swath Summary 120 km
[Max Swath: 120 km]
Accuracy Summary
Waveband Summary 0.5 - 0.9 µm; 1.55 - 1.75 µm, 2.08 - 2.35 µm; 10.4 - 12.5 µm
VIS (~0.40 µm - ~0.75 µm)
NIR (~0.75 µm - ~1.3 µm)
SWIR (~1.3 µm - ~3.0 µm)
TIR (~6.0 µm - ~15.0 µm)
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
Albedo and reflectanceEarth surface albedo
Multi-purpose imagery (land)Land surface imagery
Surface temperature (land)Land surface temperature
Thematic Links Global Climate Observing System Essential Climate Variables (GCOS ECVs)
ECVDescriptionProduct(s)ECV Inventory 3.0 Record(s)
Albedo click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Land Surface Temperature click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Instrument Missions
CBERS-3 - China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite - 3 (2013 - 2013)
CBERS-4 - China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite - 4 (2014 - 2025)