Full Name TriG (Tri-GNSS) GNSS Radio-occultation System Status Operational
Instrument Agencies NOAA, NSPO, UCAR Maturity
Instrument Type Atmospheric temperature and humidity sounders Geometry
Instrument Technology GNSS radio-occultation receiver Sampling
Data Access Open Access Data Format RINEX-2 (Low-rate data), opnGns (high-rate data), opnSnc (high-rate tracks)
Measurements and Applications TGRS is the radio occultation receiver, which will receive signals from GPS, Galileo, and Glonass.
Resolution Summary
Swath Summary
Accuracy Summary
Waveband Summary
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
Atmospheric Humidity FieldsAtmospheric specific humidity (column/profile)
Atmospheric Temperature FieldsAtmospheric temperature (column/profile)
Gravity, Magnetic and Geodynamic measurementsTotal electron content (TEC)
Thematic Links Global Climate Observing System Essential Climate Variables (GCOS ECVs)
ECVDescriptionProduct(s)ECV Inventory 3.0 Record(s)
Temperature (upper-air) click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Water Vapour (upper air) click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Instrument Missions
COSMIC-2B (Polar)
COSMIC-2 FM1 - COSMIC-2 FM1 (2019 - 2026)
COSMIC-2 FM2 - COSMIC-2 FM2 (2019 - 2026)
COSMIC-2 FM3 - COSMIC-2 FM3 (2019 - 2026)
COSMIC-2 FM4 - COSMIC-2 FM4 (2019 - 2026)
COSMIC-2 FM5 - COSMIC-2 FM5 (2019 - 2026)
COSMIC-2 FM6 - COSMIC-2 FM6 (2019 - 2026)