Objectives and Applications
Sentinel-2 mission delivers high-resolution optical multispectral imagery across 13 spectral bands in the visible to shortwave infrared, with spatial resolutions up to 10 meters and a revisit period of 5 days. This data supports a wide range of applications, including precision agriculture, food security, ecosystems monitoring, disaster management (e.g., volcanoes, wildfires, floods, landslides), water quality assessment, or observing anthropogenic methane emissions.
Featured Datasets More Datasets
L1C ToA Jan-2024 | The Level-1C product is composed of 110x110 km2 tiles (ortho-images in UTM/WGS84 projection). Earth is subdivided on a predefined set of tiles, defined in UTM/WGS84 projection and using a 100 km step. However, each tile has a surface of 110x110 km² in order to provide large overlap with the neighbouring. The Level-1C product results from using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to project the image in cartographic geometry. Per-pixel radiometric measurements are provided in Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectances along with the parameters to transform them into radiances. Level-1C products are resampled with a constant Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 10, 20 and 60 m depending on the native resolution of the different spectral bands. In Level-1C products, pixel coordinates refer to the upper left corner of the pixel. Read more 
L2A BoA Jan-2024 | The Level-2A product provides atmospherically corrected Surface Reflectance (SR) images, derived from the associated Level-1C products. Each Level-2A product is composed of 110x110 km2 tiles in cartographic geometry (UTM/WGS84 projection). Earth is subdivided on a predefined set of tiles, defined in UTM/WGS84 projection and using a 100 km step. However, each tile has a surface of 110x110 km² in order to provide large overlap with the neighbouring. Level-2A products are systematically generated at the ground segment over Europe since March 2018, and the production was extended to global in December 2018. Read more 
L3 Quarterly Mosaics Jan-2024 | The Sentinel-2 Global Mosaic 2 (S2GM-2) service is a component of the Copernicus Global Land Service providing Sentinel-2 surface reflectance time series composites. S2GM provides composite scenes selecting the best representative pixels in three spatial resolutions and from different compositing periods ranging from one day to one year on a global scale. It primarily seeks to support the sustainable management of natural resources by offering Analysis Ready Data (ARD) through the interactive Mosaic portal. Users can tailor mosaics to their specific requirements in terms of area of interest, compositing period, included bands, file format, and metadata content and conveniently manage product requests via the S2GM portal. Read more 