Full Name Terra (formerly EOS AM-1)
aka EOS AM-1
Status Operational (extended)
Mission Agencies NASA, CSA, ECCC, METI Launch Date 18 Dec 1999
Mission Links mission site | data access portal EOL Date Sep 2027
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 25994 (TLE)
International Designator 1999-068A
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 99 minutes
Orbit Sense Descending Orbit Inclination 98.2 deg
Orbit Altitude 705 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST 10:05:00.000 Repeat Cycle 16 days
Objectives and Applications 6-year nominal mission life, currently in extended operations. In late 2020, Terra began to drift in its orbit when the mission stopped performing inclination adjust maneuvers. Atmospheric dynamics/water and energy cycles, atmospheric chemistry, physical and radiative properties of clouds, air-land exchanges of energy, carbon and water, vertical profiles of CO and methane vulcanology.
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereAerosols MISR, MODIS
Atmospheric Humidity Fields MODIS
Atmospheric Winds MISR
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperature ASTER, MISR, MODIS
Cloud particle properties and profile MODIS
Radiation budget ASTER, CERES, MISR, MODIS
Trace gases (excluding ozone) MOPITT
Atmospheric Temperature Fields MODIS
LandAlbedo and reflectance ASTER, MISR, MODIS
Landscape topography ASTER
Vegetation MISR, MODIS
Surface temperature (land) ASTER, MODIS
Multi-purpose imagery (land) ASTER, MODIS
OceanOcean colour/biology MISR, MODIS
Surface temperature (ocean) MODIS
Multi-purpose imagery (ocean) MODIS
Snow & IceIce sheet topography ASTER
Snow cover, edge and depth MODIS
Sea ice cover, edge and thickness ASTER, MODIS
Mission Instruments
ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
CERES - Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
MISR - Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer
MODIS - MODerate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MOPITT - Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere
OpenSearch Datasets Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 951 )
ABoVE: Angular-corrected MODIS MAIAC Reflectance across Alaska and Canada, 2000-2017
ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2015-2016
ABoVE: Burn Severity, Fire Progression, Landcover and Field Data, NWT, Canada, 2014
ABoVE: Burned Area, Depth, and Combustion for Alaska and Canada, 2001-2019
ABoVE: Corrected MODIS MAIAC Reflectance at Tower Sites, Alaska and Canada, 2000-2016
ABoVE: Dall Sheep Response to Snow and Landscape Covariates, Alaska, 2005-2008
ABoVE: Environmental Conditions During Fall Moose Hunting Seasons, Alaska, 2000-2016
ABoVE: Fractional Open Water Cover for Pan-Arctic and ABoVE-Domain Regions, 2002-2015
ABoVE: High Resolution Cloud-Free Snow Cover Extent and Snow Depth, Alaska, 2001-2017
ABoVE: Last Day of Spring Snow, Alaska, USA, and Yukon Territory, Canada, 2000-2016

Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 43 results: browser , table )
TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X full archive and tasking
TerraSAR-X - Staring Spotlight Images (TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight)
TerraSAR-X - Stripmap Images (TerraSAR-X StripMap)
TerraSAR-X - High Resolution Spotlight Images (TerraSAR-X High Resolution Spotlight)
TerraSAR-X - ScanSAR Images (TerraSAR-X ScanSAR)
TerraSAR-X - Spotlight Images (TerraSAR-X Spotlight)
ESA Cloud Climate Change Initiative (Cloud_cci): MODIS-TERRA monthly gridded cloud properties, versi...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs ...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs ...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs ...

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