Full Name Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography Status No longer operational
Instrument Agencies ESA, DLR Maturity High Heritage - Operational
Instrument Type Atmospheric chemistry Geometry Steerable viewing
Instrument Technology High-resolution nadir-scanning SW spectrometer Sampling Imaging
Data Access Open Access Data Format
Measurements and Applications Measures middle atmosphere temperature. Provides tropospheric and stratospheric profiles of O2, O3, O4, CO, N2O, NO2, CO2, CH4, H2O, and tropospheric and stratospheric profiles of aerosols and cloud altitude.
Resolution Summary Limb vertical 3 x 132 km, Nadir horizontal 32 x 215 km
Swath Summary Limb and nadir mode: 1000 km (max)
Accuracy Summary Radiometric: <4%
Waveband Summary UV - SWIR: 240 - 314 nm, 309 - 405 nm, 394 - 620 nm, 604 - 805 nm, 785 - 1050 nm, 1000 - 1750 nm, 1940 - 2040 nm and 2265 - 2380 nm
UV (~0.01 µm - ~0.40 µm)
VIS (~0.40 µm - ~0.75 µm)
NIR (~0.75 µm - ~1.3 µm)
SWIR (~1.3 µm - ~3.0 µm)
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
AerosolsAerosol Extinction / Backscatter (column/profile)
Aerosol optical depth (column/profile)
Aerosol absorption optical depth (column/profile)
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperatureCloud top height
OzoneO3 Mole Fraction
Radiation budgetShort-wave Earth surface bi-directional reflectance
Trace gases (excluding ozone)CH4 Mole Fraction
CO2 Mole Fraction
CO Mole Fraction
NO2 Mole Fraction
N2O (TC)
BrO (LS, TC)
SO2 Mole Fraction
OClO (column/profile)
Thematic Links Global Climate Observing System Essential Climate Variables (GCOS ECVs)
ECVDescriptionProduct(s)ECV Inventory 3.0 Record(s)
Aerosols properties click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Carbon Dioxide, Methane and other Greenhouse gases click here click here CO2_SCI_WFMD, version 3.9
XCH4_Obs4MIPs, version 1.0
XCO2_Obs4MIPs, version 1.0
CH4_SCI_WFMD, version 3.9
CO2_SCI_BESD, version 02.01.01
find more ECV Inventory records
Ozone click here click here Record ID: 11496
Record ID: 10912
Multi Sensor Reanalysis of total ozone, ...
Precursors (supporting the Aerosol and Ozone ECVs) click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Instrument Missions
Envisat - Environmental Satellite (2002 - 2012)