Full Name National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - 1 Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies NOAA Launch Date 11 Dec 1970
Mission Links mission site EOL Date 19 Aug 1971
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 4793 (TLE)
International Designator 1970-106A
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 101.9 minutes
Orbit Sense Descending Orbit Inclination 98.9 deg
Orbit Altitude 850 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST Repeat Cycle 0.5 days
Objectives and Applications Meteorology, agriculture and forestry, environmental monitoring, climatology, physical oceanography, Volcanic eruption monitoring, ice and snow cover, total ozone studies, space environment, solar flux analysis.
Mission Measurements
Mission Instruments
APT - Automatic Picture Transimission
AVCS - Advanced Vidicon Camera System
FPR - Flat Plate Radiometer
SPM - Solar Proton Monitor
SR - Scanning Radiometer
OpenSearch Datasets Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 15 )
AVHRR Level-1B/1C Local Area Coverage Imagery
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 3 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Algeria 5 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Dome C, Antarctica - Instrumented Site
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Dunhuang, China - Instrumented Site
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Frenchman Flat, USA - Instrumented Site
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Ivanpah Playa, USA - Instrumented Site
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - La Crau, France - Instrumented Site
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Libya 1 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)
CEOS Cal Val Test Site - Mauritania 1 - Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Site (PICS)

Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 142 results: browser , table )
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: water vapour feedback; A long-term UTH data record will be used in a wide ran...
AVHRR - Sea Surface Temperature (SST) - Europe
AVHRR - Land Surface Temperature (LST) - Europe, Daytime
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost active layer thickness for t...
ESA Sea Surface Temperature Climate Change Initiative (SST_cci): Level 4 Analysis Climate Data Recor...
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost extent for the Northern Hemisp...
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost Ground Temperature for the Nor...
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost active layer thickness for the...
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost extent for the Northern Hemi...
ESA Permafrost Climate Change Initiative (Permafrost_cci): Permafrost Ground Temperature for the N...

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