Full Name Earth's Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers Status Operational (extended)
Mission Agencies ESA, ESA, ESA, CNES, CNES, CNES, CSA, CSA, CSA Launch Date 22 Nov 2013
Mission Links mission site | data access portal EOL Date Dec 2025
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog #s 39451 (TLE), 39452 (TLE), 39453 (TLE)
International Designators 2013-067A, 2013-067B, 2013-067C
Orbit Type Inclined, non-sun-synchronous Orbit Period
Orbit Sense N/A Orbit Inclination 87.75 deg
Orbit Altitude 462 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications The SWARM three-satellite constellation provides the best ever survey of the geomagnetic field and its temporal evolution to gain new insights into improving our knowledge of the Earth’s interior and climate. It creates a highly detailed survey of the Earth's geomagnetic field as well as the electric field in the atmosphere, by using a satellite constellation that carries sophisticated magnetometers and other instruments.
Mission Measurements
Gravity and Magnetic FieldsGravity, Magnetic and Geodynamic measurements ACC, ASM, EFI, GPS Receiver (Swarm), Laser Reflectors (ESA), STR, VFM
Mission Instruments
ACC - Accelerometer
ASM - Absolute Scalar Magnetometer
EFI - Electric Field Instrument
GPS Receiver (Swarm) - Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver (Swarm)
Laser Reflectors (ESA) - Laser Reflectors
STR - Star Tracker Set (3)
VFM - Vector Field Magnetometer
OpenSearch Datasets No IDN OpenSearch datasets found.

Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 11 results: browser , table )
Swarm Core
Swarm Lithosphere
Swarm Thermosphere
Swarm Level 2 longterm
Swarm Mantle
Swarm Space Weather
Swarm Ionosphere/Magnetosphere
Swarm Oceans
Swarm Level 1B
Swarm Level 2 daily

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