Full Name Television Infrared Observation Satellite Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies NOAA Launch Date 13 Oct 1978
Mission Links EOL Date 27 Feb 1981
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 11060 (TLE)
International Designator 1978-096A
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 98.92 minutes
Orbit Sense N/A Orbit Inclination 102.3 deg
Orbit Altitude 849 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereAtmospheric Humidity Fields HIRS/2
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperature HIRS/2
Liquid water and precipitation rate MSU
Ozone HIRS/2
Radiation budget HIRS/2
Trace gases (excluding ozone) HIRS/2
Atmospheric Temperature Fields HIRS/2, MSU, SSU
LandSurface temperature (land) HIRS/2
OceanSurface temperature (ocean) AVHRR/1
Mission Instruments
Argos - Argos
AVHRR/1 - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer /1
HIRS/2 - High Resolution Infra-red Sounder/2
MSU - Microwave Sounding Unit
SEM/MEPED - Medium Energy Proton Detector
SEM/TED - Total Energy Detector
SSU - Stratospheric Sounding Unit
Featured Datasets
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NOAA POES and METOP Local Area Coverage Imagery

This collection is composed of AVHRR Level 1B products (1.1 km) reprocessed from the NOAA POES and Metop AVHRR sensors data acquired at the University of Dundee and University of Bern ground stations and from the ESA and University of Bern data historical archive. The data collection covers Europe and the neighbouring regions in the period of 1 January 1981 to 31 December 2019. Access is provided through the ESA TPM scheme. Read more

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Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 42 results: browser , table )
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: PATMOS-x AVHRR supports: NCEI AVHRR Aerosol TCDR, Climate analysis, Climate mo...
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Cloud Properties from AVHRR Pathfinder Atmospheres - Extended (PAT...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: earth radiation budget studies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NM...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: earth radiation budget studies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NM...
NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Monthly Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), Version 2.2-1. CLIMATE ...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: earth radiation budget studies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NM...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs ...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: PATMOS-x AVHRR supports: NCEI AVHRR Aerosol TCDR, Climate analysis, Climate mo...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: global cloud climatologies climate research (monitoring and modelling), NMHSs ...
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: PATMOS-x AVHRR supports 1. FCDR used by CM-SAF 2. FCDR and TCDR used for NCEI...

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