Objectives and Applications

Natural resources management, agricultural applications, forestry, etc.

Mission Summary

Full Name
Resource Satellite-1
aka IRS-P6
Mission Status
Mission complete
Mission Agencies
Launch Date
17 Oct 2003
Mission Links
EOL Date
07 Dec 2013
EO Portal Info

Orbit Details

Orbit Type
Orbit Period
102 minutes
Orbit Sense
Orbit Inclination
98.72 deg
Orbit Altitude
817 km
Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST
Repeat Cycle
26 days
NORAD Catalog #
International Designator

Mission Instruments

AWiFS - Advanced Wide Field Sensor
LISS-III (Resourcesat) - Linear Imaging Self Scanner - III (Resourcesat)
LISS-IV - Linear Imaging Self Scanner - IV

Mission Measurements

LandAlbedo and reflectance AWiFS, LISS-III (Resourcesat), LISS-IV
Landscape topography AWiFS, LISS-III (Resourcesat), LISS-IV
Vegetation AWiFS, LISS-III (Resourcesat), LISS-IV
Multi-purpose imagery (land) AWiFS, LISS-III (Resourcesat), LISS-IV
Snow & IceSnow cover, edge and depth AWiFS, LISS-III (Resourcesat), LISS-IV
Sea ice cover, edge and thickness AWiFS

Featured Datasets

ResourceSat-1 Full Archive
ResourceSat-1, also known as IRS-P6, was an EO mission in the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) series of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ResourceSat-1 was the continuation of the IRS-1C/1D missions with considerably enhanced capabilities. The overall objective of the mission was to provide continued remote-sensing data services on an operational basis for integrated land and water resources management. ESA offers access to worldwide ResourceSat-1 archived data via the TPM scheme. - Read more
IMAGE2006 European Coverage
Two cloud-free coverages of Europe are available, resampled to 20 m spatial resolution in national projection and 25 m in European projection for orthorectified data. Data have been sourced from SPOT-4 HRVIR (20 m original spatial resolution), SPOT-5 HRG (10 m original spatial resolution) and Resourcesat-1 (IRS-P6) LISS III (with 23 m original spatial resolution), each with four spectral bands. The swath width is about 60 km for the SPOT satellites and 140 km for the IRS-P6 satellite. Access is provided through the ESA TPM scheme. - Read more

OpenSearch Datasets

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