Full Name Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies NASA, JAXA Launch Date 27 Nov 1997
Mission Links mission site | mission site | data access portal | data access portal EOL Date 08 Apr 2015
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 25063 (TLE)
International Designator 1997-074A
Orbit Type Inclined, non-sun-synchronous Orbit Period 93.5 minutes
Orbit Sense N/A Orbit Inclination 35 deg
Orbit Altitude 405 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST N/A Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications 3-year nominal mission life, currently in extended operations. NASA has ceased station keeping maneuvers and TRMM has begun its drift downward from its operating altitude of 402 km. Atmospheric dynamics/water and energy cycles.
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereAtmospheric Humidity Fields TMI
Atmospheric Winds PR
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperature VIRS
Cloud particle properties and profile PR, TMI
Liquid water and precipitation rate PR, TMI
Radiation budget CERES, VIRS
Lightning Detection LIS
LandSoil moisture TMI
OceanOcean surface winds TMI
Surface temperature (ocean) TMI
Multi-purpose imagery (ocean) VIRS
Mission Instruments
CERES - Cloud and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
LIS - Lightning Imaging Sensor
PR - Precipitation Radar
TMI - TRMM Microwave Imager
VIRS - Visible Infra-red Scanner
OpenSearch Datasets Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 149 )
AfSIS Climate Collection: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), January 2014 Release
CERES Bidirectional Scans TRMM Edition1
CERES Clouds and Radiative Swath TRMM Edition2C
CERES ERBE-like Instantaneous TOA Estimates TRMM PFM Edition2
CERES ERBE-like Monthly Geographical Averages TRMM PFM Edition2
CERES ERBE-like Monthly Regional Averages TRMM PFM Edition2
CERES Monthly Gridded Single Satellite Fluxes and Clouds TRMM Edition2C
CERES Single Scanner Footprint (SSF) TOA/Surface Fluxes, Clouds and Aerosols TRMM-PFM Edition2B
Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus Phase II (DYCOMS-II) at UCAR/JOSS/NOAA/CODIAC
Ensemble Median Global sea surface temperature dataset from 1988-01-01 to 2019-02-28 (NCEI Accession ...

Selected FedEO OpenSearch Results (view all 50 results: browser , table )
TRMM/PR L3 Monthly Rainfall
TRMM/PR L1 Reflectiveities
TRMM/PR L3 Gridded Orbital Spectral Latent Heating
TRMM_GPMFormat/PR L3 Precipitaion (1-Day,0.1deg)
TRMM_GPMFormat/PR L3 Spectral Latent Heating (1-Month,0.5deg)
TRMM_GPMFormat/PR/KuPR L1B Received Power
TRMM_GPMFormat/PR L3 Precipitaion (1-Month,0.25deg)
ESA Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative (Soil_Moisture_cci): Experimental Break-Adjusted COMBINE...
ESA Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative (Soil_Moisture_cci): COMBINED product, Version 06.1
CLIMATE APPLICATIONS: Water cycle, energy cycle, carbon cycle, numerical Weather prediction, climato...

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