Full Name China Ocean Colour & Temperature Scanner Status Operational
Instrument Agencies CAST Maturity
Instrument Type Ocean colour instruments Geometry Cross-track scanning
Instrument Technology Medium-resolution spectro-radiometer Sampling Imaging
Data Access Data Format
Measurements and Applications Ocean chlorophyll, ocean yellow substance absorbance, Sea-ice surface temperature.
Resolution Summary 1.1 km
Swath Summary 3083 km
Accuracy Summary
Waveband Summary B1: 0.402 - 0.422 µm, B2: 0.433 - 0.453 µm, B3: 0.480 - 0.500 µm, B4: 0.510 - 0.530 µm, B5: 0.555 - 0.575 µm, B6: 0.660 - 0.680 µm, B7: 0.740 - 0.760 µm, B8: 0.845 - 0.885 µm, B9: 10.30 - 11.40 µm, B10: 11.40 - 12.50 µm
VIS (~0.40 µm - ~0.75 µm)
NIR (~0.75 µm - ~1.3 µm)
TIR (~6.0 µm - ~15.0 µm)
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
Surface temperature (ocean)Sea surface temperature
Thematic Links Global Climate Observing System Essential Climate Variables (GCOS ECVs)
ECVDescriptionProduct(s)ECV Inventory 3.0 Record(s)
Sea Surface Temperature click here click here search ECV Inventory records
Instrument Missions
HY-1A - Ocean color satellite A (2002 - 2004)
HY-1B - Ocean color satellite B (2007 - 2011)
HY-1C - Ocean color and temperature satellite C (2011 - 2013)
HY-1D - Ocean color and temperature satellite D (2011 - 2013)
HY-1C - Ocean color satellite C (2018 - 2025)
HY-1D - Ocean color satellite D (2020 - 2026)
HY-1E - Ocean color satellite E (2023 - 2029)
HY-1F - Ocean color satellite F (2025 - 2030)