Measurements and Applications
Ocean chlorophyll, ocean yellow substance absorbance, Sea-ice surface temperature.
Full Name
China Ocean Colour & Temperature Scanner
Instrument Agencies
Instrument Type
Ocean colour instruments
Cross-track scanning
Instrument Technology
Medium-resolution spectro-radiometer
B1: 0.402 - 0.422 µm, B2: 0.433 - 0.453 µm, B3: 0.480 - 0.500 µm, B4: 0.510 - 0.530 µm, B5: 0.555 - 0.575 µm, B6: 0.660 - 0.680 µm, B7: 0.740 - 0.760 µm, B8: 0.845 - 0.885 µm, B9: 10.30 - 11.40 µm, B10: 11.40 - 12.50 µm
VIS (~0.40 µm - ~0.75 µm) |
NIR (~0.75 µm - ~1.3 µm) |
TIR (~6.0 µm - ~15.0 µm) |
HY-1A - Ocean color satellite A (2002 - 2004) |
HY-1B - Ocean color satellite B (2007 - 2011) |
HY-1C - Ocean color and temperature satellite C (2011 - 2013) |
HY-1D - Ocean color and temperature satellite D (2011 - 2013) |
HY-1C - Ocean color satellite C (2018 - 2025) |
HY-1D - Ocean color satellite D (2020 - 2026) |
HY-1E - Ocean color satellite E (2023 - 2029) |
HY-1F - Ocean color satellite F (2025 - 2030) |