Full Name Meteosat Third Generation - Imaging Satellite 1
aka Meteosat-12
Status Commissioning
Mission Agencies EUMETSAT, ESA Launch Date 13 Dec 2022
Mission Links mission site | data access portal EOL Date May 2031
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 54743 (TLE)
International Designator 2022-170C
Orbit Type Geostationary Orbit Period 1436 minutes
Orbit Sense N/A Orbit Inclination 0.7 deg
Orbit Altitude 35779 km Orbit Longitude -3.4 deg
Orbit LST Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications Meteorology, climatology, atmospheric dynamics/water and energy cycles.
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereAerosols FCI
Atmospheric Humidity Fields FCI
Atmospheric Winds FCI
Cloud type, amount and cloud top temperature FCI
Cloud particle properties and profile FCI
Liquid water and precipitation rate FCI
Ozone FCI
Radiation budget FCI
Atmospheric Temperature Fields FCI
Lightning Detection LI
LandVegetation FCI
Surface temperature (land) FCI
Multi-purpose imagery (land) FCI
OceanSurface temperature (ocean) FCI
Snow & IceSnow cover, edge and depth FCI
Sea ice cover, edge and thickness FCI
Mission Instruments
FCI - Flexible Combined Imager
LI - Lightning Imager
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