Full Name FY-3E Polar-orbiting Meteorological Satellite Status Operational (nominal)
Mission Agencies NSMC-CMA, NRSCC Launch Date 05 Jul 2021
Mission Links mission site | data access portal EOL Date Dec 2026
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog # 49008 (TLE)
International Designator 2021-062A
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 101 minutes
Orbit Sense Descending Orbit Inclination 98.753 deg
Orbit Altitude 830 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST 10:00 Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications Meteorology and environmental monitoring; data collection and redistribution.
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereAtmospheric Humidity Fields ASI, GNOS, HIRAS, MWHS-2, MWTS-2
Atmospheric Winds WindRAD
Ozone ASI, MWHS-2
Radiation budget ERM-2, SIM-2, SSIM
Atmospheric Temperature Fields ASI, GNOS, HIRAS, MWHS-2, MWTS-2
Gravity and Magnetic FieldsGravity, Magnetic and Geodynamic measurements SES, SWS/SEM/HEPD, SWS/SEM/IMS 
LandVegetation MERSI-LL
OceanOcean colour/biology MERSI-LL
Ocean surface winds WindRAD
Mission Instruments
ASI - Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer
ERM-2 - Improved Earth Radiation Measurement
GNOS - GNSS Radio Occultation Sounder
HIRAS - Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder
MERSI-LL - Medium Resolution Spectral Imager - Low-Light
MWHS-2 - Improved MicroWave Humidity Sounder
MWTS-2 - Micro-Wave Temperature Sounder-2
SES - Space Environment Suite, improved SEM
SIM-2 - Solar Irradiation Monitor-2
SSIM - Solar Spectral Irradiance Monitor
SWS/SEM/HEPD - Space Weather Suite / Space Environment Monitor/ High Energy Particle Detector
SWS/SEM/IMS  - Space Weather Suite / Space Environment Monitor / Ionosphere Measurement Sensor
SWS/Tri-IPM  - Space Weather Suite / Triple-angle Ionospheric PhotoMeter
WindRAD - Wind Radar
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