Measurements > Gravity and Magnetic Fields > Gravity, Magnetic and Geodynamic measurements > Crustal Motion
 | Measurement Definition*: Changes in time of the position and height of the Earth’s plates. Indicative of the lithosphere dynamics, thus useful for earthquake prediction - Physical unit: [ mm/y ] - Accuracy unit: [ mm/y ]. |
Instrument | Status/ Accuracy | Instrument Description | Measurement Technology | Timeline |
LCCRA (LARES) Laser Corner Cube Reflector Assembly | Operational
| Accuracy measurements on Lense-Thirring effect and baseline tracking data for General Relativity study and precision geodesy. Also for calibration of radar altimeter bias. | n/a |  |
LCCRA (LARES-2) Laser Corner Cube Reflector Assembly | Operational
| Accuracy measurements on Lense-Thirring effect and baseline tracking data for General Relativity study and precision geodesy. Also for calibration of radar altimeter bias. Retro-reflectors are smaller (about 1 inch in diameter) than those mounted onboard LARES-1 and their number is much greater (about 300). | n/a |  |
LRA (LAGEOS) Laser Retroreflector Array | Operational
| Baseline tracking data for precision geodesy. Also for calibration of radar altimeter bias. Several types used on various missions. | n/a |  |
PALSAR-2 Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-2 | Operational
| Disaster monitoring, land monitoring, agricultural monitoring, natural resource exploration, global forest monitoring, potential use and interferometry. | n/a |  |
L-band SAR L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar | Being developed
| L-band SAR instrument offering full polarimetry, high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, low ambiguity ratios and capability for repeat-pass & single-pass cross-track interferometry to measure surface deformation of vegetated terrain, soil moisture, land cover classification, crop type discrimination and its temporal analysis. Furthermore, it will monitor Polar ice sheets and ice caps, and the sea-ice conditions (i.e. type, drift, deformation, concentration, lead fraction), as well as contribute to the European maritime situational awareness. | n/a |  |
PALSAR-3 Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar-3 | Being developed
| Disaster monitoring, land monitoring, agricultural monitoring, natural resource exploration, global forest monitoring, potential use and interferometry. | n/a |  |
LTI Laser Tracking Instrument | Approved
| The aim of MAGIC is to obtain high-resolution measurements in space and time and include the capability to determine the variations in gravity field due to mass change in hydrology, cryosphere, oceanography, solid Earth and climate change signals so as to serve science and operational products including emergency services. | n/a |  |
Multiview Thermal-Infared Multiview Thermal-Infared | Approved
| Observations of motion occurring at or near Earth’s surface. | n/a |  |
Passive Synthetic Aperture Radar Passive Synthetic Aperture Radar | Approved
| High-resolution observations of motion occurring at or near Earth’s surface. Record radio waves originating from the accompanying Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite as they bounce back from the Earth’s surface, allowing scientists to measure small shifts in the shape of the land surface, such as those related to earthquakes and volcanic activity, as well as of land ice and sea ice. | n/a |  |
* Description adapted from WMO.