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GEOSAT-2 Iberian Peninsula Coverage Jan-2021

| Full coverage of Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain including the Canaries,
Azores, Balearics and Madeira islands) acquired by GEOSAT-2 from March 2021
to November 2021 reaching more than the 90% of cloudfree. The collection is
composed by both Bundle (panchromatic + multispectral) and Pansharpend L1C
Orthorectified products. Access is provided through the ESA TPM scheme. Read more 
GEOSAT-2 Full Archive and Tasking Jan-2014

| GEOSAT-2 (formerly Deimos-2) is the second satellite of the GEOSAT Earth
Observation system, following GEOSAT-1. A high-resolution satellite, it became
the first European fully-private satellite capable of providing sub-metric
multispectral imagery with a two day average revisit time worldwide. ESA offers access to worldwide GEOSAT-1 data (both archived and new acquisitions) via the TPM scheme. Read more 
GEOSAT-1 & 2 ESA Archive Jan-2009

| GEOSAT-1 & 2 (formerly Deimos-1/2) are Earth-imaging microsatellites built for Elecnor
Deimos of Spain. It is now owned and operated by GEOSAT Satelites. GEOSAT-1 was part of
a group of satellites collectively known as the Disaster Monitoring Constellation
(DMC) and was the first private European Earth observation satellite launched. The collection is composed by the copy of products requested by ESA supported projects
over their areas of interest around the world. The dataset regularly grows as ESA collects
new products. Read more 