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QuickBird-2 ESA archive Jan-2015

| QuickBird-2 was an Earth-imaging satellite of Maxar, with data distributed by
European Space Imaging (EUSI). It was designed to be the world’s highestresolution commercial Earth-imaging satellite. Initially, at the fairly low orbital
altitude of 450 km to obtain higher resolution but at the expense of swath width,
in mid-April 2011, the orbit was raised to 482 km to extend the mission duration. The collection is composed by the copy of products requested by ESA supported projects
over their areas of interest around the world, and access is provided through the TPM scheme. Read more 
QuickBird-2 Full Archive Jan-2015

| QuickBird-2 was an Earth-imaging satellite of Maxar, with data distributed by
European Space Imaging (EUSI). It was designed to be the world’s highestresolution commercial Earth-imaging satellite. Initially, at the fairly low orbital
altitude of 450 km to obtain higher resolution but at the expense of swath width,
in mid-April 2011, the orbit was raised to 482 km to extend the mission duration. ESA offers access to worldwide QuickBird-2 archived data via the TPM scheme. Read more 