- Munin
Full Name
Name of Creature from Nordic Mythology - Translates as "Memory"
Mission complete
Mission Agencies
Launch Date
21 Nov 2000
Mission Links
mission site
EOL Date
01 Feb 2001
EO Portal Info
NORAD Catalog #
International Designator
Orbit Type
Highly elliptical
Orbit Period
110 minutes
Orbit Sense
Orbit Inclination
96.5 deg
Orbit Altitude
707 km
Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST
Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications
The scientific objective of Munin is to collect data on the auroral activity on both the northern and southern hemispheres (and distribution of electrons, ions and neutral particles), such that a global picture of the current state of space weather activity can be made available online.
Mission Measurements
Mission Instruments
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