Full Name GEOTAIL Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies NASA Launch Date 24 Jul 1992
Mission Links mission site EOL Date 28 Nov 2022
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog #
International Designator
Orbit Type Highly elliptical Orbit Period
Orbit Sense Orbit Inclination 7.5 deg
Orbit Altitude Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST Repeat Cycle
Objectives and Applications GEOTAIL is a collaborative mission of Japan and the USA, of the agencies JAXA/ISAS (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science), and NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), respectively, within the program ISTP (International Solar-Terrestrial Physics). The spacecraft was built and integrated by ISAS, the launch was provided by NASA/GSFC. Responsibilities are shared in science instruments, telemetry data acquisition, and data processing and archiving. GEOTAIL inaugurates the Collaborative Solar-Terrestrial Research Program (COSTR). COSTR defines the NASA contributions to the GEOTAIL, SOHO, and Cluster missions.
Mission Measurements
Mission Instruments
OpenSearch Datasets Selected IDN OpenSearch Results (search all 2 )
Geotail Data Archive at NASA/GSFC
Space Physics, Solar Physics and Astronomy Data from Space Physics Data System

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