Full Name Space Weather Suite / Triple-angle Ionospheric PhotoMeter Status Operational
Instrument Agencies NSMC-CMA Maturity
Instrument Type Space environment Geometry Push-broom scanning / Cross-track scanning
Instrument Technology Space environment monitor Sampling
Data Access Data Format
Measurements and Applications UV spectrometry of the ionosphere performed under 3 different viewing angles. Observation of the night-sky oxygen airglow intensity for the retrieval of ionospheric total electrons and NmF2 (sensitivity =150 counts.s-1.R-1); and observation of the bright-day oxygen air glow intensity and the nitrogen air glow intensity of LBH (sensitivity=1 counts.s-1.R-1) for the retrieval of oxygen-nitrogen ratio at the ionospheric altitude. Three units which point in different directions
Resolution Summary 30 km at the altitude of 300 km.
Swath Summary 3.5° (along-track) × 1.6° (cross-track), sampling at 20s intervals
Accuracy Summary
Waveband Summary Night sky oxygen airglow inensity: 135.6nm, Bright day oxygen airglow intensity: 135.6nm,Night sky nitrogen air glow intensity: 140-180nm
UV (~0.01 µm - ~0.40 µm)
Instrument Measurements
Measurements Overview
Instrument Missions
FY-3E - FY-3E Polar-orbiting Meteorological Satellite (2021 - 2026)
FY-3J - FY-3J Polar-orbiting Meteorological Satellite (2026 - 2031)