Domain | Oceanic | Description | Surface currents span a wide range of space and time scales, from basin-wide motions to mesoscale eddies with scales greater than 100 km, fast narrow currents of the order of 100 km wide, sub- mesoscale features down to the kilometre scale, and finally down to turbulence scales of less than one metre. Large-scale circulations, such as the meridional overturning circulation, have surface components that transport a great deal of energy and consequently allow that energy to be transferred to the atmosphere and greatly impact weather and climate downwind of the air-sea exchanges. On smaller spatial scales, the boundary currents on each side of the ocean basin transport heat, salt and passive tracers, and have a large impact on seaborne commerce and fishing. Motion on these scales also has a large impact on vertical circulation and mixing, and in turn on marine ecosystems and ocean productivity. The equatorial currents and counter currents have a relatively large impact on surface exchanges of energy and moisture. Currents, particularly tidal currents, can also modify storm surge impacts and sea-level changes. [GCOS-195 5.3.6] |
Sub-domain | Surface |
Full Name | Surface current |
Satellite Signficant Contribution | No |
GCOS Actions |
Action Status* | Description | Who | Time Frame | Performance Indicator | Cost Implications |
O17 Cat-D | Establish an international group to assemble surface drifting buoy motion data, ship drift current estimates, current estimates based on wind stress and surface topography fields; prepare an integrated analysis of the surface current field. | OOPC will work with JCOMM and WCRP. | 2014 | Number of global current fields available routinely. | <1M US$ (10% in non-Annex-I Parties). |
*GCOS-195 Status Categories:
Category A: Action completed, perhaps exceeding reasonable expectations. Very good progress on ongoing tasks.
Category B: Action largely completed according to expectation. Good progress on ongoing tasks.
Category C: Moderate progress overall, although progress may be good for some part of the action.
Category D: Limited progress overall, although progress may be moderate or good for some part of the action.
Category E: Very little or no progress, or deterioration rather than progress.
GCOS Products | No GCOS-154 products defined. |
CEOS Response | N/A |