Full Name Advanced Land Observing Satellite-3
aka DAICHI-3
Status Mission complete
Mission Agencies JAXA Launch Date 07 Mar 2023
Mission Links mission site EOL Date 07 Mar 2023
EO Portal Info NORAD Catalog #
International Designator
Orbit Type Sun-synchronous Orbit Period 98 minutes
Orbit Sense Descending Orbit Inclination 98.1 deg
Orbit Altitude 669 km Orbit Longitude
Orbit LST 10:30 Repeat Cycle 35 days
Objectives and Applications Disaster monitoring, coastal and land environmental monitoring, the maintenance and updates of precise geospatial information. Mission instruments will be Optical Sensors (Pan, Multi).
Mission Measurements
AtmosphereCloud type, amount and cloud top temperature OPS (Pan, Multi)
LandAlbedo and reflectance OPS (Pan, Multi)
Vegetation OPS (Pan, Multi)
Multi-purpose imagery (land) OPS (Pan, Multi)
OceanOcean colour/biology OPS (Pan, Multi)
Multi-purpose imagery (ocean) OPS (Pan, Multi)
Snow & IceSnow cover, edge and depth OPS (Pan, Multi)
Sea ice cover, edge and thickness OPS (Pan, Multi)
Mission Instruments
OPS (Pan, Multi) - Wide-swath and high-resolution optical imager (Pan, Multi)
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