THE CEOS DATABASE : Missions, Instruments and Measurements
ESSENTIAL CLIMATE VARIABLE - Land-surface temperature (LST)
DomainTerrestrialDescriptionN/A [GCOS-195 6.3.17]
Full NameLand-surface temperature (LST)
Satellite Signficant ContributionYes
GCOS Actions
DescriptionWhoTime FramePerformance IndicatorCost Implications
Implement operational mapping of seasonal soil freeze/thaw through an international initiative for monitoring seasonally-frozen ground in non-permafrost regions.    
*GCOS-195 Status Categories: Category A: Action completed, perhaps exceeding reasonable expectations. Very good progress on ongoing tasks. Category B: Action largely completed according to expectation. Good progress on ongoing tasks. Category C: Moderate progress overall, although progress may be good for some part of the action. Category D: Limited progress overall, although progress may be moderate or good for some part of the action. Category E: Very little or no progress, or deterioration rather than progress.
GCOS Products
Related Measurements/
from CEOS DB
T.12Land-surface temperature records to support generation of land ECVsLand-surface temperature
CEOS Response[T5 (T.12)]

2015 Update: Space Agencies have funded efforts to produce evaporation products from in situ and satellite data through the use of surface energy balance models. These efforts are coordinated by the WCRP GEWEX Data and Assessment Panel.

[T23 (T.12)]

2015 Update: Monthly mean maps of freeze/thaw continue to be produced routinely from AMSR data. NASA successfully launched the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) on 31 January 2015. NASA plans to produce a daily classification of freeze/thaw state for land areas north of 45°N derived from the SMAP high-resolution radar output to 3 km polar and global EASE grids.

[T28 (T.12)]

2015 Update: Key activities:
  • Peer review of product strategy (completed)
  • Develop land cover fraction 2010 continental prototype (completed 2014)
  • Completion of a global land cover validation data set (completed 2015)
  • Completion of validated global land cover fractions for 2000-2010 (in progress)
  • Completion of validated global land cover types for 2010 (in progress)
  • Transition into operational annual monitoring (TBD)
  • Improve global 30m imagery data set coverage (TBD)
The USGS, in collaboration with the University of Maryland and other partners, has completed the first Global datasets comprised of per tree cover, percent water, and percent barren land. A validation dataset comprised of 500+ globally distributed sites has been compiled based on high-resolution commercial satellite imagery and from which corresponding percent cover (tree, water, barren) and thematic classifications have been developed. The validation of the circa 2010 datasets is underway and results will be submitted for peer reviewed journal publication.

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